Hardened Steels
When it comes to milling hardened steels, strength and stiffness are of the utmost importance. Harvey Tool End Mills for Hardened Steels are designed to achieve the best performance in hardened tool, die, and mold steels from 48Rc to 68Rc.

An offering of Material Specific End Mills for Hardened Steels that feature a square end profile and 5 or 7 flutes, providing for optimal slotting and roughing applications.
An offering of fully stocked 6 flute, ball profile end mills that are optimized to mill hardened tool, die, and mold steels up to 55Rc.
Corner Radius
Designed to mill hardened tool, die, and mold steels up to 55Rc, this selection of end mills are optimized for stainless steel, Inconel, titanium, and other high-temp alloys.